How to buy an apartment
In order to buy an apartment, you need to do the following steps
Send an inquiry / contact
The first step is to call us, or leave your inquiry by email for the desired building/apartment.

Scheduling a meeting for the purchase of an apartment with our manager
After contacting, you need to schedule a meeting in order to get to know the entire project in detail, the style and construction process and the structure of the apartments.

Reservation of the chosen apartment (advance payment)
If you have decided on a property, you need to reserve an apartment by paying in advance.

Signing a notary contract
Within 7-10 days from the reservation of the apartment, the signature of the notary contract will follow with the competent notary.

Apartment payment
After the advance payment, you continue to pay for your real estate in the agreed installments that are indicated in the notary contract.

Handover of the apartment
After obtaining the technical acceptance and paying for the apartment in full, the buyer takes the keys and performs all the necessary activities related to taking possession of the apartment.